QI-Pro is an interactive cross-plotting environment for the geological interpretation of seismic attributes. Attribute classification is guided by petrophysical and rock physics templates and validated by spatial well information, all under the control of the interpreter.

With QI-Pro, integration is achieved without the need for complicated scripting or coding.
QI-Pro allows you to quickly combine multiple volumes of attributes into a consistent geological history. It provides easy loading,
simultaneous display and classification of numerous data types using interactive diagrams, maps and attribute plots
showing the log data and the rock physics template. Overlay of seismic data points in the
attribute diagrams. Powerful visualization. Cross charts, cross sections, record and map displays.
Standard SEG-Y and LAS input and output Easy loading of data generated from any software and rock physics templates from any source
Plugin development with SeisWare. Petrel and DecisionSpace plugins.

- Retrophysical QC.
- Calculations and predictions of logs, including quality indicators
Analysis of well data and cross plots for interpretation of elastic properties and for creation of Q templates

Physical modeling and calibration of rocks for the interpretation of elastic properties and quality improvement templates
Prospective seismic modeling for quality improvement feasibility studies.

- Workflow design.
- Interpretation of the geological property in relation to the production indicators.
- Interactive prediction of navigable or production channels.
- Monitoring of 2D, 3D, 4D and 3C seismic processing for quality improvement purposes.
- Pre-conditioning of data for quality analysis and evaluation of AAVO compliance.
- Multi-component AVO (PS), AVO investment and integration, post-stacking and pre-stacking.
- Evaluation of uncertainty and optimization of parameters.
Estimation and interpretation of AVAZ attributes for azimuth dependent properties.
- Multi-attribute analysis and log prediction.
- 4D Calibration and interpretation.

- Interactive QI-pro facilities and rock ownership identification from QI entries.
- Probabilistic facies evaluation and flexibility to determine confidence in facies prediction.