Geomodeling Technology Corp. is a leading innovator of seismic attribute analysis and multi-scale reservoir modeling software and services for the upstream exploration and production industry. We enable petroleum companies to maximize revenue and reduce costs with software solutions and project-based services for improved reservoir characterization and recovery. We are a privately-held global company with headquarters in Calgary, offices in Beijing and Houston, and customers around the world.
Our workflow-driven applications enable geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers to quickly define the best reservoir targets and achieve maximum reservoir performance with reduced risk and uncertainty. Geomodeling offers integrated, multi-scale, shared earth modeling solutions by combining stratigraphic visualization and multi-attribute correlation with the latest reservoir modeling techniques. We also provide a broad range of services based on application of our software products and geoscience expertise.
is an integrated environment for quantitative interpretation, seismic attribute generation, visualization, calibration, correlation, that:
Some of the seismic analysis tools available are:
ReservoirStudio™ provides unique sedimentary structure modeling, which results in high-resolution reservoir models that follow user selected sedimentological rules. Creating models with greater stratigraphic detail than typically achieved with conventional geocellular models.
With Reservoir Studio make better decisions:
Reservoir Studio offers you unique technology for precise reservoir modeling. Some geological environments are: Modeling of top bars, turbidic channels, delta lobes, crevesse splay, among others.
Bridge the Gaps between Core Data and Field Scale Models SBED™ directional permeability technology models the small-scale sedimentary details that impact large scale reservoir performance. Unlike conventional reservoir-scale modeling software, SBED utilizes geological processes from upscale core plug measurements to full field models. SBED models address reservoir heterogeneity observed at both core and outcrop scale.
Seismic attributes and production data correlation Volume attributes, horizons and interval.