Avenza Maps™ is a mobile map app that allows you to download maps for offline use on your iOS and Android smartphone or tablet. Use your device's built-in GPS to track your location on any map. Plot and record information about locations, import and export placemarks, measure distance and area, and even plot photos. You can easily browse and purchase maps from all over the world using the convenient Avenza Map Store—online or in-app.

Our mobile maps don't need the internet to work

  • Importing Unlimited Maps in a variety of formats including geospatial PDF, GeoTIFF, and GeoPDF® maps, JPG with JGW and WKT (zipped), and TIFF with TFW and WKT (zipped)
  • Collecting Data On Maps. Access and load maps through iTunes File Sharing, Android file system, or over a Wi-Fi or cellular network. Saved maps can be used without the need for a live network connection (offline).
  • View your location on a map using the built-in GPS device
  • Track real-time movement with GPS (includes speed and elevation statistics) then save, export tracks (as KML)
  • Convert GPS tracks to area
  • Import and manage custom symbol sets to use with your maps. Set default symbols to be used on layers while collecting data.
  • Easily record attributes at any placemark or track. Add custom fields, insert field values, modify location, change color and add notes and geotagged photos. Easily convert your collected GPS Tracks into an area (requires Pro subscription and is for iOS and Android only).
  • Add shape files directly to your map to work with points, lines, and areas. Use the Draw and Measure tool to create areas and export to shape file when ready to share.
  • And much more!