Rose & Associates, LLP provides superior, integrated methods to manage oil and gas exploration and production programs through:

  • Hydrocarbon risk and resource estimation training courses.
  • Oil and gas prospect, play, and portfolio consultation.
  • Software solutions that provide insights for conventional and unconventional oil and gas plays, prospects, and portfolios.

Their personal service and professional expertise enables their clients in the oil and gas exploration and production industry to generate more predictable portfolio results. Rose & Associates, LLP is a distinctive team of expert geologists, geophysicists, reservoir engineers, and petroleum engineers, all having global oil and gas experience. Rose & Associates’ professionals have successful track records as explorers, developers, and risk and portfolio analysts. This level of expertise, enables them to understand and exceed customer expectations by communicating clearly across multiple disciplines, organizational levels, and cultures.



In-house and open enrollment courses addressing prospect risk analysis, conventional play-based exploration, and unconventional resource play assessment and valuation. All of the Curricula alligns probability and uncertainty concepts to the petroleum system and then make the critical linkage to business risk, generating a consistent, systematic, and understandable assessment. All courses feature abundant exercises to reinforce concepts taught, often mimicking actual investments in oil and gas ventures.



Rose & Associates, LLP focuses on client needs, building solutions to a variety of problems. Their fit-for-purpose consulting includes:

  • Exploration Prospect Assessment
  • Play-Based Exploration
  • Shale Resource Assessment
  • Economic Modeling
  • Performance Tracking
  • E & P Process and Tool Audits
  • Expert Testimony



An user-friendly, Microsoft-based software tools that use the methods and processes they teach to address:

RoseRA Prospect Risk Assessment Software

RoseRA is the powerful and intuitive workflow tool you’ve been looking for. Build resource and chance assessments, from simple single zone, to complex opportunities with multiple fault blocks, stratigraphic levels, and wells. Combined with R&A’s decades of training and consulting in applying the concepts encoded in the tool, RoseRA is the premiere industry tool for modeling prospect resources and assessing chance.

Play Risk Analysis (PlayRA)

PlayRA guides the geoscience and engineering team through the Play Analysis process resulting in the generation of a fully probabilistic resource and commercial discovery characterization and valuation of the play.

Portfolio Risk Analysis (PortfolioRA)

Analyze and select the drilling portfolio to best deliver your targets for value creation through resource discoveries. This versatile, Excel-based tool aggregates selected prospect assessment data to show you the range of possible outcomes for the modeled portfolio. Compare simulation results against your important exploration metrics such as estimates of commercially recoverable resources, discoveries, costs and, of course, value. Quickly capture prospect details by importing from LS prospect risk analysis software, enter data by hand or via a custom loader.

Risk & Portfolio Essentials Suite

The Essentials Suite was designed for the savvy, smaller company that wishes to enhance their accountability and profitability through application of affordable, yet state-of-the-art risk analysis tools. We have extracted and enhanced the best utilities of our powerful Prospect Risk Analysis Suite and Portfolio Risk Analysis (Rollup) software packages, and combined them into a suite of two applications for a fraction of the price.

Seismic Amplitude Analysis Module (SAAM)

SAAM facilitates the systematic and uniform grading of amplitude anomalies. Through an innovative interview process the team answers questions about the target amplitude in relation to the geologic setting, AVO classification, data quality, rock property analysis, analogs, and potential pitfalls. Through the consortium-derived parameter weighting system, SAAM registers the impact of the data quality and seismic observations to generate an estimated prospect chance of geologic success.


ProjectRA fully encompasses the concepts and best practices taught in the R&A courses, especially the Unconventional Resource Assessment and Valuation (URAV) Course. Supports the challenge of effectively modeling diverse unconventional opportunities from exploration through development in a staged approach via a guided workflow. The powerful Monte Carlo simulation engine provides speed and flexibility for a consistent approach conducive to more-informed decision making.

Unconventional Rapid Assessment

Unconventional Rapid Assessment (URA) is an Excel VBA-based screening tool that facilitates the assessment of resources and chance of low permeability opportunities. Users may capture all relevant header data and use robust volumetric methods to calculate resource estimates for in-place and recoverable primary liquids, gas (including sorbed gas), and associated solution gas or condensate. High-side and low-side inputs are captured for Area and Average Net Pay assuming a lognormal distribution shape, while Hydrocarbon Yield components are input on a second tab using a combination of Beta and Lognormal distributions. The simulated HC Yield and prospect Resources are displayed.

UCR Essentials

UCR Essentials is designed to model and value staged investments in unconventional resource plays where distinct individual prospect anomalies are difficult to characterize. UCR Essentials sticks to the basics and provides an integrated economic model that captures the range of project cost and performance uncertainty for single play segment development scenarios.